How to test the thickness of sealing tape

Currently, the only items to be tested for the sealing tape products on the market are the viscosity and the thickness of the mold.

In fact, the viscosity of the sealing tape mainly consists of three indicators: its initial tack, holding tack, and peel strength. These are also the basic three items stipulated by the national standard for the viscosity test of sealing tape or self-adhesive products. The corresponding instruments are called initial tack tester, holding tack tester and electronic peel tester (tensile testing machine). You can also choose the corresponding sealing tape testing instrument according to your own needs.

BOPP tape film thickness measurement is one of the basic inspection items in the film manufacturing industry. Some other performance indicators of the film are related to the thickness. Obviously, if the thickness of a batch of single-layer films is not uniform, it will not only affect the tensile strength and barrier properties of the film, but also affect the subsequent processing of the film. For composite films, the uniformity of thickness is more important. Only when the overall thickness is uniform can the thickness of each layer of resin be uniform. Therefore, whether the film thickness is uniform, whether it is consistent with the preset value, whether the thickness deviation is within the specified range, these all become the premise of whether the film can have certain characteristics.


There are two types of film thickness measurement: online testing and off-line testing. The first one used for film thickness measurement is the off-line thickness measurement technology. After that, with the continuous development of ray technology, an online thickness measurement equipment installed with the film production line was gradually developed. Online thickness measurement technology has been widely used in the 1960s, and now it is more able to detect the thickness of a certain coating on a thin film. On-line thickness measurement technology and off-line thickness measurement technology are completely different in the testing principle. On-line thickness measurement technology generally uses non-contact measurement methods such as ray technology, while non-online thickness measurement technology generally uses mechanical measurement methods or is based on eddy current technology or electromagnetic induction. The principle measurement method also uses optical thickness measurement technology and ultrasonic thickness measurement technology.

1. On-line thickness measurement The more common on-line thickness measurement techniques include β-ray technology, X-ray technology and near-infrared technology.


2. Off-line thickness measurement The off-line thickness measurement technology mainly includes two types: contact measurement method and non-contact measurement method. Contact measurement method is mainly mechanical measurement method. Non-contact measurement method includes optical measurement method and eddy current measurement. Method, ultrasonic measurement method, etc. Due to the low price and small size of off-line thickness measurement equipment, it has a wide range of applications.


For film manufacturers, the thickness uniformity of the product is one of the most important indicators. To effectively control the thickness of the material, thickness testing equipment is essential, but the specific type of thickness measurement equipment to choose depends on It depends on factors such as the type of soft packaging material, the manufacturer’s requirements for thickness uniformity, and the test range of the equipment.

Post time: Aug-13-2020