Borongan harga Bottom Adat Logo Dicitak Packing pita Brand napel pita borongan na Supplier | Yongsheng

Handap harga Adat Logo Dicitak Packing pita kasét Brand napel

Pondok Description:

  • Ketebalan: 38 mic ~ 65 mic
  • Color : Clear , yellowish , brown , colored or customized
  • Delivery time : 15~20 days
  • Width: 45mm , 48mm , 50mm , 60mm , 72mm or customized
  • Shipping way: DHL , UPS , Fedex , TNT , by sea , by air
  • Harga: $ 0,7 - $ 2,5
  • Mnt. Kuantitas urutan: 400 gulungan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 100000 gulungan per minggu
  • jéntré produk

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    Marengan filsafat perusahaan "klien-Berorientasi", hiji proses kontrol kualitas luhur rigorous, produk produksi punjul sapanjang ku grup R & D mantap, urang terus nganteurkeun produk premium kualitas, solusi luar biasa sarta waragad agrésif pikeun harga Bottom Adat Logo Dicitak Packing pita Brand pita napel , ka nyadiakeun prospek kalawan parabot luhung tur panyadia, sarta terus ngawangun mesin anyar anu tujuan organisasi parusahaan urang urang. Urang neuteup payun keur gawé babarengan anjeun.
    Marengan filsafat "klien-Berorientasi" perusahaan, hiji prosés kadali kualitas luhur rigorous, produk produksi punjul sapanjang sareng Sunda mantap & group D, urang terus nganteurkeun produk premium kualitas, solusi luar biasa sarta waragad agrésif pikeun pita napel , Bopp pita , Packing pita , Loba produk pinuh akur jeung paling rigorous tina tungtunan internasional tur mibanda jasa pangiriman mimitina-rate kami anjeun bakal boga aranjeunna dikirimkeun iraha wae jeung di tempat mana wae. Sarta alatan Kayo ngurus di sakabéh spéktrum pakakas pelindung, konsumén urang teu boga runtah waktu balanja di sabudeureun.
    BOPP tape jelas kalawan logo dicitak nyaéta pilem premium kelas BOPP ipis jelas, dicitak kalawan rupa karakter tur pola, teras coated kalawan napel dumasar acrylic agrésif. Cai mibanda desain lincah sarta packing Pribadi, husus dipaké pikeun iklan jeung sealing of cartons.


    material   Polypropylene BOPP OPP film, coated with water based acrylic adhesive,

    napel pangleyur, hotmelt napel

    kakandeleun Ti to100mic 38mic. Normal: 40mic, 45mic, 48mic, 50mic ect, atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun.
    rubak Ti 4mm mun 1280mm. Normal: 45mm, 48mm, 50mm, 72mm ect, atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun.
    panjang  Ti 10m ka 8000m. Normal:. 50m, 66m, 100m, 100y, 300m, 500m, 1000y ect, atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun
    ngetik tape ribut, tape ribut low, pita cicingeun, kristal jelas, print logo brand ect.
    warna Jelas, transparan, kristal jelas, semu coklat, warni ect., Atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun
    dicitak Tawaran, bisa dicitak 1-6 warna dicampurkeun pikeun logo
    MOQ 5-50CTNS gumantung kana tipe
    certifications ISO9001: 2008, SGS, BV ect,.
    Waktos pangiriman Gumantung kana kuantitas, biasana 10-15 poé sanggeus deposit nampi
    istilah pembayaran: 30% deposit saméméh produksi, 70% aganist salinan B / L Tampa: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Uni Kulon jeung saterusna.
    bungkusan   Normally Packaging:6rolls/shrink,36rolls/carton, 48rolls/carton 72rolls/carton.

    Bungkusan husus: ngaleutikan Pribadi, labél iteuk, 1 roll kalayan mesin motong leungeun atawa sakumaha diperlukeun

    Hiji ukuran populér sababaraha

    di pasar global

    48mmx50m / 66m / 100m-Asia
    2 "(48mm) x55y / 110y-Amérika
    45mm / 48mmx40m / 50m / 150-Selatan Amerian
    48mmx90y / 500y-Iran, Wétan Tengah
    48mmx30y / 100y / 120y / 130 / 300y / 1000y Afrika
    Ukuran husus, warna bisa dijieun nurutkeun sarat customer urang
    Strapping, wrapping, pengiriman barang, bungkusan, karton sealing, kantong sealing, hiasan jeung sajabana minuhan sagala jinis angkutan merenah tur mesin packing otomatis, pabrik, kantor, rumah tangga tur supermarket jeung sajabana

    produk tampilan--dicitak





    logo dicitak pita (9)

    jelas dicitak










  • Saméméhna:
  • Hareup:

  • material Polypropylene BOPP OPP film, coated with water based acrylic adhesive, solvent adhesive, hotmelt adhesive
    kakandeleun Ti to100mic 38mic. Normal: 40mic, 45mic, 48mic, 50mic ect, atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun.
    rubak Ti 4mm mun 1280mm. Normal: 45mm, 48mm, 50mm, 72mm ect, atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun.
    panjang From 10m to 8000m. Normal: 50m, 66m, 100m, 100y, 300m, 500m, 1000y ect., or as required
    ngetik Noisy tape, low noisy tape, silent tape, crystal clear, print brand logo ect.
    warna Jelas, transparan, kristal jelas, semu coklat, warni ect., Atanapi sakumaha diperlukeun
    dicitak Offer, can be printed 1-3 color mixed for logo
    MOQ 5-50CTNS gumantung kana tipe
    certifications ISO9001: 2008, SGS, BV ect,.
    Waktos pangiriman Gumantung kana kuantitas, biasana 10-15 poé sanggeus deposit nampi
    istilah pembayaran: 30% deposit saméméh produksi, 70% aganist salinan B / L Tampa: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Uni Kulon jeung saterusna.
    bungkusan Normally Packaging:6rolls/shrink,36rolls/carton, 48rolls/carton 72rolls/carton. Special Packaging: Individual shrink, stick label, 1 roll with hand cutting machine or as required

    A few popular size

    di pasar global

    48mmx50m / 66m / 100m-Asia
    2 "(48mm) x55y / 110y-Amérika
    45mm / 48mmx40m / 50m / 150-Selatan Amerian
    48mmx90y / 500y-Iran, Wétan Tengah
    48mmx30y / 100y / 120y / 130 / 300y / 1000y Afrika
    Ukuran husus, warna bisa dijieun nurutkeun sarat customer urang

    First step : Big jumbo roll tape  —- second step : rewinding —- third step : cutting —- final step : packing







    Packaging :

    —- Normal package : 6 rolls per pack , 36 rolls / 48 rolls / 60 rolls / 72 rolls per carton .

    —- Special package : Individual shrink pack and stick label on it or according to customers’ request



    Shipment :

    We can ship by sea , by air , by Express ( such as DHL , TNT , Fedex , UPS and so on )




    We have over 11 years of professional experience as a manufacturer of adhesive packing tapes
    We make the packing tapes as your samples or your design fully
    We have strong researching and developing team to solve problem
    There are lot of raw material suppliers around our factory
    We supply high quality tapes for many world companies
    Our factory got ISO 9001 certificate
    Small trial orders can be accepted, free sample is available
    Our price is reasonable and keep top quality for every clients

    Company :  Shijiazhuang Yongsheng Adhesive Tape Co ., Ltd .

    ( Hebei Xinqiu International Trading Co., Ltd . )

    E-mail :

    Wechat (Whatsapp) : 0086 13933869242

    Skype ID : live:sales4_1805

    Tele NO. : 0086 311 87799685



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